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New product: HA-EDA01X FPGA Module

        HA-EDA01X FPGA Module is a compact FPGA board which is designed based on XC6SLX9 device. It's a low-cost and easy-to-use platform for learning Xilinx's Spartan-6 FPGA. This board includes integrated JTAG-HS1 circuitry for FPGA programming. Abundant I/Os are provided, you can easily connect a variety of peripherals using jumper wire or plug the module in HA-MB02 Digital Circuits Lab Platform. The pocket-sized dimension makes it a good choice for you when a FPGA core board is needed in your project. A USB to UART converter is integrated for easy data communication with PC. This guide will briefly describe the hardware modules on this board, so as to help you make better use of it.

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